A NEW Sermon Series for the Summer!

The word “bible” really means “library”. There are 66 different books in the bible, written by different authors over a few thousand years. But the bible isn’t just a collection of different stories. In fact, every book of the Bible and every story within it work together to tell just one story: the story of God’s love for us in the person and work of Jesus Christ. STORYLINE will allow us to look at a variety of your favorite stories from the Bible and discover how each one points us to Jesus.

You crafted our series!

We asked you to vote for your favorite stories and the results are in! The most votes went to “Daniel and the Lion’s Den,” with “The Return of Jesus” coming in a close second. On the right are all the stories we will cover, including the dates on which we’ll take a deeper dive into these stories and discover how they teach us more about Christ!

  • “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” In the Apostles’ Creed we ascribe this work to God the Father Almighty. Was this just the activity of God the Father, or was Jesus involved somehow? What other important truths can we discover about Jesus in this origin story?

  • God calls on Abraham to do the unthinkable: sacrifice his only son. But then God sends a ram to be a substitute. How does this story foreshadow the sacrifice of Jesus?

  • In one of the greatest turn-around stories, God stops Saul’s violent threats and actions against followers of Jesus, and makes him into one of the great missionaries of all time!

  • No children’s Bible story book is complete without this well-known story, but what can we learn about Jesus from David’s victory over the giant?

  • This classic story is usually accompanied by cute drawings of animals in the ark. However the real story is much more complex and violent. How does Noah and the Ark reveal the true nature of Christ’s mission on earth?

  • This wasn’t just some party trick. Jesus reveals something important with this first miracle, that we would do well to pay attention to!

  • This is one of the most unique stories in the Bible, in that God’s name isn’t even mentioned. But there are some important lessons we can learn from it about Christ and ourselves.

  • Can you imagine speaking to wind and waves, and have them obey your word!? The lesson in this story is highlighted by the Disciple’s response to Jesus’ power.

  • Jesus references this story sd he’s teaching his disciples, and applies it to himself. How does the story of Jonah relate to Christ’s own death and resurrection?

  • This famous story not only reveals how we can be courageous in the face of evil, but more importantly, it reveals God’s plan of salvation for us.

  • Jesus’ final promise is that one day he’ll return. What will that day look like and how can we be prepared when it does?