Learn more about Holy Cross
CrossCONNECT is a three-session class that is offered once a quarter. You'll learn more about Holy Cross, what it means to be a Lutheran, and what the next step in your faith journey could be. You'll also get to meet others who are new to Holy Cross.
After CrossConnect some potential next steps might be…
Become a member. In class, you'll learn about the benefits of membership, and if you're interested, we'll go over the various ways to get started.
Baptism. We'll discuss this gift God gives the church and set up a time for you or a member of your family to be baptized if you or they haven't already been.
Faith Classes. There are some characteristics that distinguish Lutheran Christianity from other confessions of faith. If you are new to the Lutheran church, these classes will teach you the fundamentals and lay the groundwork for a strong biblical foundation of faith and essential teachings.
Use your gifts. Holy Cross relies heavily on the gifts and talents of volunteers. There are an increasing number of opportunities for you to use your gifts and talents to serve this congregation and the larger community.