Getting Ready For Your First Communion

Get excited! You are about to participate in a tradition that is nearly 2000 years old! But Communion is more than just tradition - it is a gift that Jesus gives to us that does more than cause us to think about His love and forgiveness - it actually gives you life and salvation!

You’ve heard these words during worship “On the night when Christ was betrayed he took bread/ took the cup and said take and eat/ take and drink - this is my body and blood given for you - Do this in remembrance of me” There are some important words in there that are essential for our understanding of what Communion is and what it does. We’ll cover all of that at our special First Communion prep session, but for now, scroll down the page and do the following in order.

  1. Read “The Sacrament of the Altar”

    Find this on page 28 of your Catechism

  2. Read “Christian Questions with Their Answers”

    Find this on page 37 of your Catechism

  3. Take the Christian Q&A Quiz

    Take me to the Quiz!

  4. Watch the Video Below

    It’s pretty cheesy… but has some good information! Then go to the bottom of the page to submit any questions you might have about Communion. I will answer your questions, and give you more information when we meet together!