Only a few days earlier, on Sunday, Jesus was hailed as the King of Israel. Now he is mocked as he is crucifed on a cross, with a sign hanging above His head that reads “The King of the Jews.”
This is the ultimate irony. This sign was intended as a warning: this is what happens to anyone claiming to be king. And at the same time, it is the truth. This is what our King Jesus does on our behalf.
It is Good Friday for two reasons. The first is that Christ has died for the sins of all people; He is the King of all people, not just the Jews. But it is also good because we know what happens on Sunday. Jesus told his disciples that he “must die,” but that in “three days I will rise again.”
Good Friday is as important as Easter. The two events are really one, in which our God pays the price for our sin by his death and assures us of everlasting life in His Resurrection.