from the Board of Directors


This year, Holy Cross is focusing on what it means to be "Together in Christ." When the Church first began, the Apostle Paul records that they "had all things in common, sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need." The Church is not a business and does not generate its own income; instead, it relies on the generosity of its members.

True, your offerings keep our building operational and pay our employees' salaries, but they also do far more important things.

  • They are an investment in our children's lives, teaching them the important truths of God's word.

  • They support gospel ministry by providing a place and a pastor to preach and teach the good news of Christ.

  • They benefit other church members, as we care for them both physically and spiritually.

Your offerings are given with faith in God, who has provided and will continue to provide for you in every way—body and soul. 

We are asking you to pray about and commit to a financial commitment to Holy Cross in 2024.

Follow the steps listed below to help you decide what that commitment will be and what it will mean for our congregation's ministry. After you have made your heartfelt decision, we ask that you confirm it by sending the 2024 Commitment Form to our Financial Secretary so that we can better plan our programs for the upcoming year.

We thank God for bringing us together at Holy Cross and, even at the outset of this year, for the marvelous things he will accomplish through us as we work, serve, and share together.



Start Here

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  • Begin by thanking God for what he’s given you. Recognizing that anything you have is a gift from God will also help you trust that God will continue to provide.

  • Read the following scripture passages regarding financial stewardship. Use them prayerfully as you consider what your offering will be.

    The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the Lord. Psalm 24:1

    Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first produce of your entire harvest. Proverbs 3:9

    Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others as good managers of the varied grace of God. 1 Peter 4:10

    The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

  • Write down your anticipated household income for 2024. Look at your total offering to Holy Cross from last year and find where it fits within the commitment chart (below). Consider what it would look like to increase your giving to the next percentage point or beyond, especially in light of God’s promise to provide for your every need. Remember, giving is a faithful act.

  • Decide on the amount you feel led to give. Pray and discuss this (as appropriate) with your family and how committing to give this gift to the church is both a benefit to the ministry and a commitment to trust God’s provision.

  • Fill out the commitment form and submit it to the Financial Secretary. There is an online form available that is easy to fill out. Alternatively, you can download and complete a paper form, then place it in an envelope addressed to Holy Cross Lutheran Church, c/o Financial Secretary.



Use this chart to help estimate your offering based on your anticipated annual income. If you give jointly with someone in your household, use your combined income total. Using that number, multiply it by the percent you wish to give and determine your annual commitment. From here, you can determine the frequency that works best for you.


Additional Notes

  • If you give using envelopes, you’ll notice there are some designated for special seasons such as Advent or Lent. This chart simply helps to determine your annual commitment. You can decide to divide that however you see fit throughout the year. 

  • One easy way to honor your commitment is to set up online giving. This allows you to set the frequency to be given automatically. You can set this up with ACH to have it directly transferred from your bank account. This is the recommended method to minimize processing fees. Using a credit or debit card is also an option. Please also consider selecting the option to pay the processing fees to help offset the cost we incur for these methods.


Are you ready to make your commitment?

Please email Jon Halls, our Financial Secretary, at if you have any questions.